Featured Products
Opera Cloud
PBX as a service for up to 240 users across multiple sites
Opera 240
Rack for up 240 users with SIP and ISDN trunks, IP and digital users
Opera 20 IP
IP PBX for up to 20 Users with SIP trunks and 2 BRA
Opera 4.12
Digital system, IP ready, for up to 12 users
Distributed Team working
Unified Communications
VoIP networking of multiple sites
Mobility with Softphones
Automated attendant
Training videos
Manuals and Software
Remote Support
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(C) 2012

MDS Gateways

Opera 240 Opera 4IP Opera 4.12em Opera Cloud
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Communications made easy
MDS Gateways is a leading designer and supplier of unified communications solutions for small and
medium businesses, mobile executives and home offices.
I www.mdsgateways.de | www.mdsamiba.com |
MDS Gateways Ireland